Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty 2.0 : 10 Secret Pro Tips

We’ve got a few tips for you in Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty and the big 2.0 update.

cyberpunk phantom legacy

We’re going to break down some of the best relics, new combat tactics, weapons, and a few things to keep an eye out for.

Relic skill Vulnerable Analytics

  • The new relic skill Vulnerable Analytics is perfect if you’re looking to shake up the classic FPS formula of take weapon.
  • point at head, shoot at head. This relic adds new vulnerable weak spots to target on enemies, and you get 100% hit chance and 25% armor penetration.
  • It’ll explode in a strong EMP blast if you fully destroy it.
  • Before initiating combat, you can preemptively paint these on the target just by zooming in on someone.
  • Smart weapons are really good to pair with Vulnerable Analytics, since using their zoom function will automatically target those vulnerable spots.

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty carjack skill

  • The carjack skill in the intelligence tree is just plain fun.
  • That’ll let you drive vehicles around like cute little remote control cars.

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty Iconic katana Jinchu Maru

  • From this vendor in the main shopping area of Dogtown, you can buy here the iconic katana Jinchu Maru.
  • Its special effect will give you 100% critical chance while invisible with optical camo.
  • If you’re quick, you can assassinate entire groups before they even see what’s going on.

Deserter iconic double barrel shotgun

  • By completing the side quest Addicted to Chaos, you’ll end up at this spot in the southern part of Dogtown.
  • Here you’ll find a case with the deserter iconic double barrel shotgun.
  • This shoots two incredibly hard hitting explosive shells at once, and can apply burn.
  • It’s so powerful, it actually covers the wielder in flames, damaging you for a few seconds after killing someone.

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty EMP blast and melee

  • The EMP blast will also easily crumple up robotic enemies.
  • This isn’t just for shooting, melee weapons can activate these vulnerable spots as well.
  • If you’re looking for a deeper melee combat system where you’re encouraged to manually aim your swings at different limbs, You can get a powerful and completely free iconic melee weapon right towards the start of Phantom Liberty. Just head over to this location in Dogtown.
  • It’s right next to circular building. Around this path to the back of the building, you’ll find this guy having a really bad day andthat iconic chainsword out of his brain. That’ll get you the Cut-O-Matic X-Mod 2, which comes with open mod slots to tweak how which is somewhat rare for an iconic weapon.
  • If you’re looking to play out your deepest Warhammer 40k power fantasy, this thing will chew through most anything.

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty Emergency Cloaking Relic

  • The Emergency Cloaking Relic will let you use the optical camo cyberware to break enemy tracking even during combat.
  • It wants you to use this to disengage combat, but it also works as a useful offensive tool.
  • Someone shooting at you, just go invisible, casually walk behind them, and give them a nice neck attack.
  • If you get the upgraded relic skill after this, it’ll automatically slow down time right before you’re about to get spotted.

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty shock and awe cyberware

  • This variant has a chance to deal 500 electric damage around you whenever you take damage.
  • Now that self-inflicted fire DPS will be popping off strong electrical blasts around you automatically after each kill with the deserter.
  • Then equip the cyberware micro generator, and that will add an electrical damage buff when reloading an empty gun.
  • Since this only fires once per reload, that will apply extra electrical damage after every subsequent shot.

Stacking movement speed and explosive damage buff

  • The shotgun deals explosive damage, throw on the third rank of pyromania, giving you a stacking movement speed and explosive damage buff after each time you inflict explosive damage.
  • Combine all of that, and the damage output and carnage this combo can inflict is just chaotically satisfying.
  • Whatever is the absolute exact opposite of a tactical stealthy playstyle is this rampaging fire engulfed electric exploding death cannon.

Take down a squad from a safe distance

  • You don’t need a sniper rifle, just remotely pilot a car and turn it into an unoccupied wheelie weapon.
  • If anyone is trying to accuse you of anything, just blame it on those crazy self-driving cars.
  • You can also use this to drive yourself around in a vehicle you’re not actually steering.
  • If you have at least 28 total ram, you can use the carjack skill to remote detonate vehicles turning them into rolling explosives.

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty jailbreak relic

  • If you often use an armed cyberware weapon, it’s pretty much mandatory to grab the jailbreak relic, which improves every single one of those.
  • For the monowire, you can socket control quick hacks onto it and then it’ll automatically apply that hack debuff with a charge attack.
  • Unlike a normal hack, this doesn’t cost any ram to apply, and its upgraded effect can spread it to nearby enemies.

Searching for Care Packages in Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty

  • A another audio visual thing to keep an eye and ear out for. When you hear such sounds then look around nearby for red smoke.
  • That indicates a care package has been dropped on the map.
  • Often you’ll see this little symbol above them in orange, indicating normal tier 5 items.
  • But you really want to see this symbol yellow, indicating it has a unique, iconic item.

Santa Gift Drops in Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty

  • Santa gift drops are one of the best ways to accumulate rare, iconic weapons and cyberware.

Mantis blades, Upgraded effect , Gorilla arm

  • For the mantis blades, it lets you leap attack from really far away now, so you can pounce out of nowhere like a predator.
  • Its upgraded effect will also cripple the target and increase the chances of body parts being removed.
  • The gorilla arms get a big meaty punch that will send someone flying.
  • Its upgraded effect can also knock down enemies near the impact point.
  • For the projectile launch system, you can now charge it up to release a sequence of and its upgraded effect will give you a bonus charge, so you can quickly refire it again.

How to learn new Relic Skills Early

  • If you want to amass a lot of these new relic skills early on, seek out these R symbols on the map or overlaid in the world.
  • They also give off this sound. If you find and jack into one of these restricted data terminals, it’ll give you a free relic point to go spend in the new skill tree.