Assassin’s Creed Mirage: 10 Secrets you didn’t know

Assassin’s Creed Mirage puts the focus back on assassinating, stealth, tactics, and using your gadgets to get the job done.

Assassin's Creed Mirage infinite use free torch

There are some important things you’ll want to know that’ll separate the little baby assassins from the Batman-tier Masters .

Let us share with you some special combat mechanics, upgrades and tools that can completely change the game, and a few things that Assassin’s Creed Mirage doesn’t just flat out tell you you can do. So let’s just get into it.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage infinite use of free torch

  • You can use it to set enemies on fire from a distance and actually get them to move from their current location.
  • Useful if you need to gain access to a place, but you don’t want to completely slaughter everyone along the way, since there are sometimes optional mission objectives to not kill anyone.
  • If you’re a bit more aggressive, use this free throwable fire source to engulf someone in the race.

Assassin’s Focus ability smart use

  • If you’re pretty high up but you’re not within range for a normal assassination, you can actually use the new Assassin’s Focus ability while plummeting in midair.
  • You can use that to become a blur of kills along the way down, and avoid splatting with fall damage at the end of it.
  • The big mace-wielding armored dudes can’t be damaged from the front.
  • You can try to hit them in the back, or just use the classic arrow to the knee tactic.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage knife throwing on enemy’s legs

  • Using just a single throwing knife on their leg bits will knock them down and set them up for an insta-kill.
  • You no longer have to deal with their annoying armor.
  • You can also break their signal horn with a well-placed throw, but for the most part, just get them in the leg and neutralize them when they’re down.

Smoke Bomb Upgrade

  • The smoke bomb has an upgrade you can get that will ignite it when thrown towards a fire source.
  • If none are within proximity of your targets, just use your torch ahead of time to prime it for detonation when it lands.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Notoriety Levels

  • When your notoriety is high enough, these hard-to-kill elite units will be sent to find you.
  • But if you manage to kill them instead of them you, that’ll completely reset your notoriety level back to zero for free.
  • If a straight-up fight isn’t working for you, try the choking fumes upgrade for the smoke bomb.
  • That can stun them for a bit and drain their health.

Breaking enemy’s defense gauge

  • Another option is to fully deplete their defense gauge above their health bar.
  • The parry to kick move works well for draining that, and once the defense gauge is broken, you can insta-kill them regardless of their current health.

Sword and dagger raw damage value ?

  • Both your sword and dagger have a raw damage value and a defense damage value.
  • So if you want to attack less and aim for more of a parry-focused playstyle, go for weapons with a higher defense damage stat.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage cosmetic skins

  • At the blacksmith, if you prefer the stats of a certain weapon but you’re not into how it looks, you can slap a cosmetic skin of any of your other weapons right over it while maintaining its stats and upgrade level.
  • Enemy attacks in red can’t be parried. However, your sword and dagger have a hidden bonus, being able to interrupt if you land a heavy attack during the enemy’s attack animation.
  • Instead of having to dodge out of the way, just power through them with a well-timed heavy attack.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage dodge cancel feature

  • You can also dodge cancel out of pretty much any of your attacks to lessen the ending lag of the animation.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Theft feature secret

  • Find a busy intersection and turn on Eagle Vision.
  • That’ll automatically highlight the coin purses on anyone you can pickpocket.
  • Turn these bustling traffic ways into little money-making factories for you, and this can also net you tokens that you can cash in to reduce the prices of certain vendors or to hire some temporary NPCs.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Coin purse rarities & instasteel

  • There’s two different coin purse rarities. Either they’ll be highlighted silver or gold, indicating the quality of loot they’re carrying on them.
  • There’s also an upgrade in the skill tree that lets you sometimes insta-steal and gain more from pickpocketing.

Avoiding Timing Based Minigames

  • If you want to avoid the timing-based minigame entirely while pickpocketing, you can put the target to sleep ahead of time and easily then swipe their goods while they’re unconscious. We almost felt bad for all these civilian NPC’s, but then we realized how much they love to gossip.

Assassin’s Focus ability

  • We might assume at first it’s just for setting up quick strings of kills.
  • But it’s also a really effective one-off warp attack that can quickly get you up to hard-to-reach spots.
  • There’s going to be a lot of heavily fortified areas you’ll need to find a way into, and using Assassin’s Focus on one of those wall guards is a super easy way to get right in there without all the hassle.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Trap Tool

  • The Trap Tool is a extremely lethal proximity explosive capable of knocking down enemies.
  • The knockdown effect of the Trap has the added benefit of setting up most enemies for an easy skewer while they’re mediocrely breakdancing.
  • That along with the Smoke Bomb, are your best options for quick disposal of multiple enemies.

Trap Tool Upgrades

  • There’s also an upgrade you can get for the Trap that lets you remote detonate it by whistling.
  • You can quick access the three tools listed here by pressing their corresponding button while you’re aiming with any other tool.
  • That gives you quick use of traps, noisemakers, or smoke bombs in case you need to pop one during a fight.
  • The big sword-wielding armor NPC’s got smart and also covered their legs in armor, so that dagger to the knee trick from earlier won’t work on them.
  • But if you dodge around to their back and hit them with a single sleep dart, that will set them up for a quick insta-kill.
  • The Counter Roll skill is useful for this, since that lets you dodge up and over someone while they’re in the middle of an attack animation.

Torch tool, bomb and smoke extra features

  • If something looks like it has straw or hay or whatever on it, it can probably catch fire.
  • You can use well-placed arson to lure guards, set up traps, and create distractions.
  • You’re going to be finding this red dusty stuff all over the map in bags and containers.
  • Striking these will pluff out a large cloud of smoke, just like the smoke bomb tool, but for free.
  • That’ll set enemies back up to be assassinated, while your elite allergy resistance powers right through that junk.

Some Extra Tips

  • The fire guys have a special exploitable weakness just like the armored enemies.
  • If you hit the canister on their back, that will immediately trigger their rig to explode.
  • The dagger equipped here slows down time after a parry, which makes for an easy opportunity to trigger the canister.
  • The map isn’t anywhere as the last three Assassin’s Creed maps, it’s much more dense and doesn’t really have padded travel time to get you around to the things you need to do.
  • The new area is not too small, it just trims down the busy work and crams a lot into the space it uses.